Thank you for the opportunity.
It's relatively early days for us. We're five years old. Our longest transactions are for three or four years of track records. However, one key success factor that we're particularly proud of is enabling clients—private sector businesses—to really enhance their practices, including on gender equality.
We have done a lot of work from the beginning on enabling private sector companies to conduct an initial baseline assessment of how they are doing right now and then identifying opportunities to improve. We have done similar engagements on the environmental and social sides, working with them on action plans so that they can better align with international practices.
We're also very proud of the portfolio that we have built in five years. I shared some of the numbers. A lot of that was done during COVID, remotely, and we're quite proud of having customers from co-operatives who are really trying to extend important financial solutions to low-income and rural populations in Ecuador and to join parties with IDB Invest on the first social bond in Costa Rica, as well as to do a few transactions on our own. Most recently, there was our first transaction in project finance in the Dominican Republic, with Maranatha.
Thanks for the opportunity. We are working to improve our website, but a lot of the information is available on our website, on our portfolio page, and I'm happy to provide more details as needed.