Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
We would like to bring a few amendments to this motion. I'll start with the first one, if I may.
I'll read what we would be proposing: “That the Special Committee on the Canada-People's Republic of China Relationship express its deep disappointment that the Finance Minister was unable to appear.” This is what we would like to add.
We would like to strike, “ignored invitations sent by the committee; and, that the Minister of Finance has chosen not to appear”. We would like to strike that as a first proposed amendment, please.
The reason we're saying this Mr. Chair, with all due respect, is that I think the wording makes it sound like the minister does nothing every day as the Minister of Finance and that she has intentionally refused to come. That is probably not true. Actually, it's not “probably”; it is not true. The fact is that, unfortunately, she was unable to appear, and on this we need to express our deep disappointment.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.