The Feature Film Policy, as implemented in the year 2000, federally, has mainly to do with finding an audience, that is to say that to some extent, projects are chosen based on their merit, their ability to attract an audience. I don't think there are any other criteria, such as regional representativeness. In fact, the best project is the winner. They are all regional projects; the main selection criterion is the ability to draw an audience.
Some features of the Feature Film Policy could lend themselves to that. I know that our Telefilm colleagues—I believe Mr. Pradier explained this when he appeared last week—are making an effort to come up with initiatives aimed at, perhaps, with first works or in the selection process, recognizing a place for regional productions produced in a region, in one province or another, by a minority language group or someone else.
So an effort is definitely being made, but let's not forget that the main goal of the Canadian Feature Film Policy is to draw an audience. So the films best suited to reaching that goal have to be selected.