Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Ladies and gentlemen members of Parliament, Mr. Chairman, thank you for welcoming us here today.
For two years, Quebecor Media has been trying by every means at its disposal to alert all those concerned, whether they be politicians, public servants, regulatory authorities or television industry stakeholders, to the consequences of the radical changes that the digital revolution is causing to the Canadian audiovisual landscape.
Faced with inertia and a lack of reaction, we decided to increase the pressure by suspending our monthly payment to the Canadian Television Fund for 21 days. I am pleased to see that one of the consequences of our action was to convince the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage to hold special hearings in order to discuss the issue, because I sincerely believe that if we do not react quickly, the Canadian audiovisual production industry is running very serious risks that could result in its suffocation.
First allow me to make a clarification. I'm astonished that this seems necessary, but having read statements that have been reported in the press and the testimony that has been delivered here, I feel obliged to do so.
The monopoly in the cable television sector is no more. It has been replaced, as the legislator wanted during the 1990s, by a highly competitive market in which compete the older cable companies, new players in the sector, satellite operators, telephone companies now operating the service through new technologies, and above all, the Internet, which is becoming the universal means of communication.
In case you are not aware, there are 2.8 million Canadian homes that subscribe to some kind of cable service. The legislator was right to impose deregulation, even though it is far less comprehensive than it should be. In fact, the cable companies are still subject to overzealous regulations which limit their ability to offer better service to consumers and to compete on a levelled-playing field with new stakeholders in the cable sector.
This is why we have publicly encouraged the various authorities concerned on many occasions to carry out to its logical conclusion the thinking that guided the Industry Minister, Mr. Maxime Bernier, and his decision to accelerate the deregulation of the residential telephone sector and to deregulate the cable television sector as completely as possible.
Nevertheless, it must be recognized that the deregulation that has already taken place has served consumers well. Services have been vastly improved, prices are lower and the cable operators are now using their very costly infrastructure to offer new services to consumers and to the population. This is how, for the first time in the history of Canada, Videotron and other cable companies were able to participate in the residential telephone market which allowed for a very substantial decrease in prices.
Another myth I would like to dispel is that by which people believe that the right to broadcast television programs is a privilege, because the airwaves are public property. Do you believe that which has just signed a deal with a major content distributor to broadcast programs in their entirety, or that, a true phenomenon in Quebec, asked anyone to give them the privilege to occupy more and more space in the audiovisual landscape?
Protectionist measures are only possible if the boundaries can be controlled. This is no longer the case. The massive audiences that we could impose a schedule on are no longer there. They are dispersed over the hundreds of new windows. Mainstream broadcasters, like the TVA network, who depend entirely on advertising revenues, are at risk. Audiences are decreasing substantially and ad revenues are following that downward curve. If we do not wake up, these mainstream broadcasters who offer the flagship news shows and public affairs programming will no longer be able to offer these services.
In Quebec, we have the good fortune of the protection of language, which has allowed us to draw significant audiences for homemade productions. Unfortunately, we cannot be fooled into thinking that Quebec is forever protected from this global reality.
The model according to which independent producers do not invest one cent; take absolutely no risk; are totally subsidized by a combination of the Canadian Television Fund, private fund and tax credits; pay 20% of the total production costs; sell single broadcast licences while continuing to hold the broadcast rights through other outlets where we find the audience that we need in order to ensure the survival of an all-purpose broadcaster, that type of model can no longer work. In order to justify the investments that are required to broadcast high-quality programming, a group like Quebecor Media must hold the rights to the products that it airs. We must be able to fully exploit the economic potential of the various types of programming by moving them from video on demand to the generalist network, to a digital network, a downloading site and, finally, to retail DVD sales. That is now the only way to ensure that good quality programming will be economically viable.
With that in mind, the integration of Quebecor Media is no different from what is being done by other large international groups in the entertainment and communications industry. The Canadian Television Fund, which, in the past, did play a constructive role, has not kept up with the digital revolution that has increased the number of broadcasting channels and has broken down barriers.
During the last quarter, advertising revenue at TVA dropped 3.7%. For a single quarter, that is huge. As responsible managers, we must take the necessary steps to adjust our spending to this new reality. I would remind you that Quebecor Media, whose subsidiary, TVA, already spends $109 million annually to produce and acquire Canadian content, intends to hold the line on spending for the coming years. Moreover, Quebecor Media, through its subsidiary Vidéotron, intends to considerably increase its contribution to Canadian programming.
Vidéotron currently contributes $19 million to the Canadian Television Fund and to a CRTC privately regulated fund for the production of Canadian programming.
We intend to increase that amount to $109 million for the next three years. We will meet this commitment to the CRTC by allowing the Commission to sit on the fund's board, which will manage the investment and produce an annual public report.
Before answering your questions, I am appealing to your sense of realism. Our industry is at a turning point. I know that you are clever enough to realize this. If there is one thing that I would ask you to keep in mind, it is that the pace of this change is accelerating, and we no longer have time to discuss it for months or even years. The time has come to act.
Thank you very much for your attention.