Thank you very much.
I want to apologize for being late, but I read your submission last night.
I think we've heard from everyone. I don't think there's anyone who has come to us and said that the CBC should be cancelled. Everyone spoke about the CBC and its importance. We've seen the figures. We were talking earlier on about what the CBC should do and how it should focus. The most recent survey has shown that 81% of Canadians felt that the CBC must focus on news. They believe that the CBC is the only news carrier they can trust to give a clear picture and not a biased picture. So that's an important piece, news.
About 78% of them also said that the CBC is essential, the glue that holds the country together and helps us to understand each other, and that's a strong mandate.
So I'm not going to ask you about sports or anything like that, but you did say--and most people have said to us--that we should look at the BBC model. Well, the BBC model is exceptionally well funded, and we currently, as you know, are third to last in terms of per capita funding of our public broadcaster. So the CBC's ability to be competitive is completely poor, when you think that we allowed cable companies to be able to get their digital infrastructure and allowed them to raise their fees for Canadians who are buying cable, while the CBC has no ability to raise fees. The CBC has absolutely no ability to do anything but depend on government to raise its “base funding”.
So I would like to know from you what you see as being that increase in CBC funding over the next five years that would bring it up to par with countries like the United Kingdom. That's a first question. I'm asking for a monetary answer here.
The second question is if CBC is going to be able to get into all of the platforms.... We have heard over and over, at least in Vancouver, that one of the important things was for the CRTC to begin to license the digital media forms and new platforms, because I think that's how we can look at monetizing it eventually. So my big question to you is, given that there is political will--and that's a big given; it depends, obviously, on who is going to be making those decisions--what do you think the CBC's funds need to be to make it on par with something like the U.K., maybe over five years, not immediately? How do you see the CBC being more arm's length, because with that money has to come that accountability? What is the arm's-length structure that you see?
My third question--Monica may be able to answer this--is do you think it's important, do you think the key to this has to be the licensing of the new platforms, and therefore copyright changes in the legislation?