Yes, I could give you one. I could give you many, but I will certainly give you one, and a recent one.
There was a one-hour program, a Saturday morning program, The House, which I listen to religiously. It's usually an excellent program, and the CBC does extremely well, usually. Perhaps this was a couple of months ago. That hour was absolutely poisonous. You should look it up. If you wish, I could give you the exact date. It contained no information that could, by any stretch, be labelled The House. It contained endless innuendoes, such as references to an extremist sect of some sort in the United States, with the dark message that this was also Stephen Harper's home church. The entire hour was consumed that way. I left the hour, that program, angry, really angry.
I consider myself a broad-minded person. I listen to the left; I listen to the right. The left are not all idiots and neither are the right; you've got to listen to them both.