What they tell us is more the contrary, that is to say that federated sport is going to be reincluded and that new programming will be created. But we're still waiting for that, and that's what's a bit unfortunate. In our brief, we specifically state everything we've lost over the years, not only on television, but also on Radio-Canada radio. We don't want to take anyone's place: we want to take back a role that we consider important in the promotion of healthy living habits, the promotion of important aspects of federated sport in Quebec and the athletes who excel, more particularly Francophone athletes. They are the ones suffering from a lack of visibility and promotion to Francophones. The brief serves to show that.
Every time we meet Radio-Canada people—and Raymond has done that on a number of occasions—they tell us they intend to reinclude certain aspects and recommend that we take a look at the next round of programming. However, they are still at the intentions stage. When we analyze the program Au-dessus de la mêlée, the only remaining magazine, we say to ourselves that, in the context of that magazine, they could talk about us, about the highlights of high-performance athletes and the major achievements in federated sport. Instead they talk over and over about hockey and again and again about professional hockey. We think that important aspects of sport can have an emulation effect on Canadians. We don't want to usurp anyone else's place, but rather to take back our own.