There are two things.
First of all, you just characterized Mr. von Finckenstein's statement as having suggested that there was a problem with very light fines. He didn't say that. What he said was that there is a range of possible recourses that go from the light end—that is, statements or announcements that are required to be made—to the very heavy end, which he described as the blunt instrument, which would be the removal of a licence.
He sought the instrument that he described as an AMP, and I must say we don't have a view on that, because we don't need it. If he comes here and asks for that, then I suppose it's up to you to determine whether it's relevant or isn't relevant. It truly has nothing to do with us. Our instrument works very effectively. We don't have a fining ability; we don't want a fining ability. If you said to me this afternoon that we could have one, I would ask why. We simply don't need it.
So for us it's irrelevant, and we can't speak to what he may or may not find relevant for his circumstance.