Mr. Chair, I'm thrilled to be back. I want to thank my honourable colleague, Bill Siksay, for inviting me so that we can continue with the fascinating discussions we've had with Mr. von Finckenstein.
I'm really interested in the situation with new media in terms of the tool boxes the CRTC has for dealing with the Internet, because certainly the impacts, the pressures on the bandwidth, have changed dramatically in the last few years. I would say that I think--contrary to one of my earlier colleagues--we're not very far behind the times. Western Europe is dealing with this; the FCC is dealing with this. We're dealing with pressures that really didn't exist even three and four years ago. We now have VoIP, video-on-demand, VPN traffic, peer-to-peer. I mean, when CBC is using BitTorrent to transmit television shows, we're in a brand new universe.
I would have loved to have this conversation tomorrow, in the wake of the CAIP relief decision, but I will make do without being able to comment on that. I won't ask you to comment on what's happening with the CAIP-versus-Bell issue. But it's significant, because every time—if you look here or anywhere internationally—there's been a case of Net throttling, the argument about bandwidth management is always countered with issues of content interference.
I want to question you in terms of the tool box you have to make sure that content isn't being unfairly interfered with. Virgin CEO Neil Berkett called Net neutrality “a load of bollocks”. Excuse the term, but that was the term he used. He said they were already in discussions with content providers that if they were going to access Virgin pipes, they were going to pay more.
Section 36 gives you the right to ensure that no carrier shall “control the content or influence the meaning or purpose” of content, but it doesn't say anything about interfering with the speed of that content, interfering with accessibility of that content. Would you see a situation if a telecom starts telling customers that if they pay more money, they will get access to the Internet customers, and if they don't pay any fees, then they'll be in the slow lane? Is that an area where section 36 would come into play?