Contrary to what Mr. Angus has said, I specifically asked questions of the deputy minister when the deputy minister was here with respect to support for international touring provided by the Canada Council and whether she could verify that the Canada Council was in fact receiving an additional $31 million per year under this government. That was a question I specifically put. Unfortunately, that, in my view, is not reflected in the recommendations or the findings of this committee.
Now, it's because I didn't know what the report indicated, and secondly, I didn't know that the recommendations brought forward would be brought forward in such a manner that we wouldn't have an opportunity to actually review the findings or the documentation of the report.
As you well know, Mr. Chair, I did bring this motion previously. I gave notice of this motion prior to the report being completed, prior to being given a draft of the minutes of the meeting, if you will, by the analyst. It was not deemed by the committee.... I don't think I'm saying anything I can't say. It didn't pass. So here I am back in public, asking why am I not allowed to bring this testimony forward to be part of this report?
To say that I'm trying to tack a witness on or I'm trying to bolster my case.... I've been at this for more than two weeks, three weeks, to bring them in as a witness, because I wanted them to come in and back up what the deputy minister had said. As you know, the Canada Council is artists helping artists. We have provided substantially more support for the Canada Council. They are providing money for touring and they're providing money for an awful lot more with respect to the arts. Their testimony is paramount to their support being reflective, in any way, of the reality of arts funding in Canada right now.
If you want to slam the door and say we don't want to hear them before we come forward with this report, then that will also be reflected in both the release I'll put out today and my dissenting report that we don't want to hear from the Canada Council prior to putting forward a report that misrepresents the reality of this government's support for the arts, and specifically international touring.