We don't agree with fee-for-carriage on any basis because there's no justification for it. We serve as a delivery mechanism, and I'm sure it's the same in Quebec as it is in the rest of Canada. The whole way and nature in which the cable policies were structured over the last 40 years was essentially to recognize the need for Canadians to have access to a whole diversity of services. So we have worked hard.
If you look at the eighties, for example, when we started to launch pay and specialty services, a number of the French and English services failed. So we came up with solutions in the nineties to basically guarantee carriage, offer services and tiers, do them in the most customer-friendly way that we could--putting some of them on basic, some of them on tiers, giving people choices, doing packages, doing a whole balancing act. In the end, it resulted in a number of tremendous accomplishments that we have to recognize in the system.
The first accomplishment is that we now have hundreds of Canadian services. If you want Canadian content and interesting stories, you can find it; they are there. They may not be the ERs and the CSIs--which was a Canadian invention by the way--but that's a fact of life. I mean, Hollywood is a dominant influence on English Canada, whether it's in film or in television.
So what we did through the nineties and through this decade is to ask, given that situation, what can we do to ensure that Canadians' needs are met as Canadians--and that's news, sports. I get tremendously excited when I go to the ski races in Quebec and RDS is there. That didn't happen 10 or 15 years ago. So recognition of Canadian athletes, amateurs, all that sort of thing.... There's much more recognition of that now than there was 10 or 15 years ago. These are tremendous advantages.
Second, on the satellite side, people who live all across the country—aside from the problems that may exist with respect to Windsor—can get the same or a better level of services than in the city of Toronto. No other country can make that kind of statement.