Just to answer the first question first, I said that the act specifies that as broadcasters we're responsible to ensure that we deliver our signal to either the cable companies or the satellite companies, and we do that. I've put it on the record on numerous occasions that we are then charged an additional fee, a carriage fee, of $240,000 a year. Now, that's only by one BDU. Only one of them is doing it thus far.
I can also tell you that because ichannel is a must-carry, I could refuse to pay that fee if that were the only channel I had up there, because they'd still have to carry it. However, I have a category 2 up there as well, and if I choose not to pay the fee, that service comes down.
The CRTC knows this. I don't know why they're not doing anything about it. I've talked at length for years. I've spent hundreds of thousands dollars talking and now it's my turn to start asking the questions.
This is a situation, by the way, that isn't recent. It would be nice if we could blame the current government, but it's a situation that unfortunately has been creeping up on us over the course of the last 10 years. In terms of the CRTC, I think that whether it's the cable companies' ability to lobby so well and the broadcasters not doing such a good job.... Clearly, the broadcasters are not doing a good job, because I know both Ivan Fecan and Len Asper, and I know they do care about Canadian programming.
I also know why they're importing some of the American stuff: because if we don't import the American stuff, even though it helps to subsidize Canadian programming, the first thing you'll hear a BDU saying is that they need that programming and they have to bring up yet another American channel.
I think it's a good idea for this committee to ask the CRTC why they're going that way. Lord knows, even if we don't do a good job of explaining ourselves, the evidence out there is more than abundantly clear.