I'll continue, Chair.
Of course I'll have some information.
She goes on to say:
This apology-liability conundrum has a number of unfortunate consequences. Parties who are unaware of the risk that an apology could be taken as an admission may offer an apology and thereby unwittingly increase the chance that liability will be found. Parties who genuinely believe they have no legal liability may forsake an apology, even when they feel that an apology is ethically warranted, for fear that it could lead to unwarranted liability. And parties who know that liability is highly likely may still avoid an apology, so as not to damage the possibility, however slim, that they may escape liability. If the apology is given after the Court has rendered its decision, the passage of time may reduce its effectiveness. Worse, if an early apology was warranted and one is only provided after a finding of liability, the apology may be met with a reaction of “too little, too late.”
Now that was ironic, because those are exactly the same words that Mr. Capobianco, who was a survivor of the internment camps, said of the 2005 agreement in principle that was brought forward by the previous Liberal Prime Minister. What Mr. Capobianco I think was indicating was that over 60 years there was an opportunity to provide an appropriate apology. It never came. A couple of weeks before an election, or two weeks into an election, is not the time to be giving that type of apology, because it won't stand the test of time.
To reference back to what Mr. Angus said, one of the reasons why we have to go so in-depth with respect to an apology.... Why I respect the work of this author so much is because she has devoted a heck of a lot of time to the importance of an appropriate apology. You can't have an apology bill that isn't appropriate because we don't want to insult the Italian community; we don't want to insult the memory of those who worked so hard; we don't want to insult the people of Ortona. Ms. LaSorda, 89 years old, every single day goes to the Canadian Italian monument and puts flowers there. Every single day she goes to the monument, puts flowers at the monument for Canadian soldiers who sacrificed so much to save that town, and that's why it's very important, when we're talking about the amendment put forward, that we really understand what the essential elements of an apology are.
I know my honourable friend who authored the bill is probably reconsidering some of those things, in light of some of the shortcomings I've been addressing.
This is another thing she said:
Because of their shortcomings, public apologies do not lead to forgiveness as frequently as interpersonal apologies do.
I found that very interesting. Again:
Because of their shortcomings, public apologies do not lead to forgiveness as frequently as interpersonal apologies do.
What the author is suggesting is that in essence the apology that was given by Prime Minister Mulroney, done in a very sincere way, invited by an organization to the NCIC to personally go to the community, was an effective form of apology.
There's another article here, from another professor, Professor Bilder is his name, and he summarizes arguments that suggest:
...apologies for historical injustices have the following frailties:
• are without responsibility since the wrongdoers are dead;
• are too late;
• incorrectly apply present day values of the past;
• are one-sided and lack reciprocity;
I have been saying all the time, from my first speech in the House to now, that 60 years was a long time to be waiting for an apology. Thankfully, Prime Minister Mulroney didn't wait those 60 years. He, on behalf of the people and the Government of Canada, apologized.
I agree with the honourable member that an apology has to come from the Liberal Party to Italian Canadians. I have no disagreement with that. The leader of the Liberal Party should apologize directly to Italian Canadians for ignoring them for over 60 years. Perhaps we can amend the bill to suggest that, since I'm sure it was an oversight, because I know he knows that government and the Prime Minister of Canada have already apologized.
To go on, Bilder says:
...apologies for historical injustices...
• will not satisfy victim groups and will instead foster a sense of victimhood;
• are empty gestures since they are too easy and mere words;
• cannot in any case satisfy the potential demand since there are simply too many past wrongs which could be addressed.
While the circumstances underlying these demands are varied, the motivating factors are often the same. When systemic historical actions are challenged, the Government in question has typically been out of office for decades or generations and the individual perpetrators are generally no longer alive.
That's one of the shortcomings of an apology, and that's obviously one of the shortcomings of this particular amendment to the bill.
I'll skip over the differences with the apology to Japanese Canadians, but we can get back to that in a bit.
This is talking about Prime Minister Mulroney, who also acknowledged that:
No amount of money can right the wrong, undo the harm and heal the wounds.
With reference to Japanese Canadians, he apologized, there were survivors still around, and they provided compensation.
The same thing was done when our Prime Minister apologized to the Chinese Canadian community. There were survivors, we apologized, and we provided compensation at the time.
I know you're taking notes, and I don't want to go too fast, so you can catch up. I don't want to speak too fast, because in previous committees I know the translators have been upset that we go too fast. I'm trying to be courteous.