Thank you very much. I appreciate your inviting us here today.
My name is Don Quarles. I'm the executive director of the Songwriters Association of Canada. Je veux parler en anglais. I hope that's okay. My French is limited. Thank you very much for inviting us to speak.
Just as a quick summary, the SAC is a national non-profit arts service organization. We've been around for a little over 27 years. For the most part, we're advocates for Canadian songwriters, but we're mostly known for the educational work we do with aspiring songwriters right across the country. We've been very fortunate to be the beneficiary of some funding from Canadian Heritage, through the Canada Music Fund, via the SOCAN Foundation. We've been delighted to have been able to put on literally hundreds of events over the years that funding has existed.
Music file sharing is perhaps the most challenging problem facing the music industry, but at the same time it is potentially of enormous benefit to music creators and offers stakeholders a rare opportunity. I know that seems like a bit of a controversial statement, but it's something we certainly believe. We believe that music file sharing, once monetized, becomes its own solution, much as the case was with broadcasting when it was the perceived problem of the 1920s.
Netflix, the iPad, Kindle, and other devices and models are now providing significant legal alternatives for the film and book industries. Other cultural industries are working their way through the issues of the digital age, where one-size-fits-all does not necessarily work.
In the case of music, on the other hand, a decade after the advent of Napster, legal music services such as iTunes constitute less than 10% of music acquired over wired and wireless networks. The vast majority of performers and songwriters will never make a living on earnings from live performance, merchandise, and other sources.
There's a common myth that we hear these days: why not just hit the road and tour? Do 300 dates per year, sleep on floors, and drive a 12-year-old Ford Econoline van. You will still come back broke. That's usually the way it goes, not to mention, how do the songwriters who aren't in the band get paid, or the producer, or the recording studio, or anyone else for that matter? Yet millions of iPods, iPhones, and other music players are sold annually and tens of billions of songs are file-shared.
The SAC is a strong supporter of copyright. Really, we've looked at several different models and reached out to everyone who might be able to help with developing a solution, including sister creative organizations; labels, both indies and major labels; futurists; and international copyright experts. In the end, the SAC did what all great songwriters do: they take the best ideas and they put them into one.
The idea and solution were inspired by two tested and robust methods of monetizing copyrighted works. The first is the collective administration of performing rights, and the second is cable television. First of all, the performing rights method has been around for 160 years or more and going strong. Revenues—certainly in Canada—are up 40% in the same 10-year period that labels have seen a decline of almost 50%.
Similarly to performing rights, we propose that file sharing be licensed, not taxed or levied. The end user would be licensed; revenues would be pooled; and pro rata distribution, based on non-intrusive data collection, would be made to songwriters, performers, labels, and publishers. Consumers would continue to use the technology of their choice, such as BitTorrent, Gnutella, and social networking sites.
The other model, the cable television model, is where ISPs and mobile providers would become business partners. Basically, we could all access a choice of packaged content. One might argue that access and content have already been monetized. The bottom line is that we are hoping to bring that back to the creators.
There has been some discussion as to what you charge for something like this. It could be $1, it could be $5 a month. In order to give you some sense of the math, in Canada if it was $3 a month per household licence fee, that would generate upwards of $360 million annually. To put that in perspective, SOCAN, our performing rights organization in Canada, currently earns $250 million for performances. To compare that to the U.S., you could probably multiply that by ten and you would come up with a similar estimate.
There are other benefits for such a model--just in case you're worried about something other than money. Music file-sharing technologies offer a worldwide paid distribution system for creators at every level of accomplishment and every musical genre. For established creators, this model offers unprecedented global marketing and a distribution tool. For the aspiring writers, niche genres, and ethnic and aboriginal creators, it provides an opportunity to develop a global audience. Record labels aren't usually interested in this group yet, but they can still reach out and find an audience and make enough to keep developing their craft.
For record labels and music publishers, file sharing offers significant new and ancillary revenue streams. Their expertise in artist development, marketing, and promotion will be critical to the careers of emerging performers and songwriters.
Most artists and songwriters are trying to find a way to cut through the noise. That's always been the problem for artists and it still will be, and no one can help more than record labels.
ISPs can reduce their bandwidth costs, develop and participate in new synergies, and differentiate their services. They can store or cache popular songs on their own proprietary servers, develop their own portals, and sell value-added services, etc.
Ultimately, for the audience or the fans or those of us.... Sometimes we're referred to as users, consumers, or pirates. Unlike our colleagues at labels and publishing companies, songwriters and artists have a direct relationship with their audience. This audience likes what the artist is doing and therefore they've created a relationship. The point is we would like to give it to them and we would like to ensure that we get paid for it. It sounds like a win-win.
So for a reasonable monthly fee people continue doing what they're doing, no behavioural modification is required, and anti-infringement measures would finally make sense. According to a University of Hertfordshire study done in 2008, 80% of file sharers would pay for a legal way of doing so.
If you couldn't buy bread, you would have to steal it. It doesn't make sense to go after illegal file sharers until and unless you provide a legal option. If 80% are willing to pay and the other services, such as iTunes, are another 10%, now you're dealing with a 10% infringement problem and not a 95% infringement problem as we are today.
Like the clubs of Paris in the 19th century and the broadcasters in the 20th century, infringement has preceded licensing. Licensing these infringers led to innovation, growth, and great music.
Copyright owners are usually chasing users, not the other way around. And the notion that licensing will stifle innovation is simply not borne out by history. People have always shared music and they always will. Sharing music has always been a part of our culture. And those of us who make music are an essential part of that culture. We embrace it.
Those who work with us to monetize it will have a long--and we believe profitable--future ahead. The Songwriters Association of Canada, in concert with other creator groups, consumers groups, collectives, and rights holders, is working towards the initiation of a business-to-business pilot project to put these ideas to the test in the near future. We invite our colleagues and all stakeholders to explore exciting new options with us and we urge the standing committee to support this initiative in order to ensure that there will be a future for Canadian music creators.
Thank you for your attention and your consideration.