I don't know what I'm going to hear. What I've clearly observed is that the platforms are moving. Nobody knows which is going to be the dominant platform--or maybe we will have a lot of them, etc. Right now, you make a lot of money in broadcasting. Making money in the new platforms is very difficult--or “monetizing”, as the industry calls it. Very few people have been able to do it successfully. Google has been able to find a way and eBay has. Most of the others have a lot of i-vaults, but they can't turn them into money, and until that happens....
On top of that, you have the question of rights and who pays for them. How do you pay for people if it's being distributed over the Internet? All our rights are based on geographic locations and, of course, the Internet has no boundaries.
So people will put all of these things on our plate and point them out and draw conclusions from them. That's part of the beauty of these hearings: you hear all sorts of points of view. Eventually, as a result of that, you hopefully can see some light at the end of the tunnel and say, “Here, this is what we you should be doing”.