In terms of what other countries are saying about us, I had informal discussions with people who are obviously much more open. However, in the public sphere you have the U.S. trade representative's special watch list, where we've been high up there with China, Algeria, Pakistan, India, and Venezuela for at least the last 10 years, with respect to our border enforcement, with respect to the lack of resources afforded both to order enforcement and law enforcement.
More recently, the EC mentioned in a document that's called, “Assessing the costs and benefits of a closer EU-Canada economic partnership: A Joint Study by the European Commission and the Government of Canada” page 88 it reports that Canadian “court, customs, and police enforcement mechanisms can be difficult to activate”. When you consider the amount of diplomacy that goes into these documents, this is a pretty strongly worded statement.
So you're getting it not just from the Americans, you're getting it from the European Union. It is publicly known that our system is quite weak. During the hearings at the security committee and at the science and industry committee, that was also mentioned.
We're beyond that stage. My recommendations....