I find it somewhat disheartening that you're surprised, and I don't mean to say this aggressively, because I'm sure you're not the only one who is surprised, both in this room and outside this room.
The work the anti-counterfeiting community has been doing for at least the last five years is to raise awareness. Our awareness campaign is so good that it is the only awareness campaign that is featured at the Musée de la Contrefaçon, operated by the Union des Fabricants in Paris, which I think is quite good.
Why are we behind the curve? The Trade-marks Act is quite old. It hasn't been updated to reflect modern realities. Counterfeiting has taken an incredible effort in the last 10 years. We're just not up to date.
That's the underlying reason. Other reasons include there being no political champion for this. We need a strong member of Parliament, a minister, somebody who champions this cause. You don't want to wait until people die because bus parts are counterfeit or medication is counterfeit. So far there have been instances like that, but the evidence is not strong enough to demonstrate an absolutely undebatable link. Once that happens, you'll have Canadians asking you what you were doing. And guess what? The transcripts of this testimony will be public.