Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chair and honourable members of the committee.
My presentation will also be in both official languages.
Let me begin by thanking you for giving me the opportunity to appear today. I am here in my capacity as Deputy Head and Librarian and Archivist of Canada. I want to share some of my observations and comments about Library and Archives Canada's role in Canada's 150th anniversary, which will be celebrated in 2017.
The 1967 celebrations had a considerable and undeniable impact on our sense of pride and national identity. I would like to remind you that, on that occasion, a new building was inaugurated to house the National Library of Canada. That gift to Canadians was in keeping with the times. A monument built to honour Canada's documentary heritage became the ideal place to preserve a collection of works that Canadians could easily access in their national capital. From then on, an important part of Canada's documentary heritage has been under the same roof, safe in a physical space.
It was also during Expo 67 that we were astounded by rapidly evolving technologies. Who does not remember the very popular telephone pavilion, where, for the first time, a film was projected on a 360-degree screen using technology that was more advanced than even that of Disney Studios? Since then, technology has not ceased to amaze, surprise and especially transform us. Among other things, the evolution of information and communications technology has had a profound effect on how Canadians create, archive and access their documentary heritage. Since those celebrations, times have changed considerably.
Beginning with my appointment in 2009, as exemplified by my participation in the Canada 150 event at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, I have been working to ready Library and Archives Canada for the 2017 celebration in two ways.
First, I believe that Library and Archives Canada's contribution to the nation's 150th anniversary should focus on greater access for all Canadians to all their documentary heritage, no matter where they live. To that end, we are working on two fronts. The first is to put into place many partnerships with organizations throughout the country. That would allow for a gradual connection of more Canadian communities to their documentary heritage. The second front on which we work is the optimal utilization of digital technology. That would make it possible not only to digitize and make available more documentary heritage on the Web every day, but also to treat digital documentary production in real time.
The other fundamental contribution the institution should make is preparing to become a modern institution capable of working in a digital environment. It must acquire, preserve, and make available the Canadian documentary production that has been largely digital for some 20 years already.
These two foundations are for me the most attractive and the most pertinent contributions to the celebrations in 2017. Indeed, Canadians have adapted very well to the arrival of the Internet and have learned to make good use of the great many communication tools that are now available.
As in other developed countries, we have flocked in great numbers to social media websites and exchange in ever-increasing volumes our own thoughts, stories, opinions, reactions, photos, and videos, and we circulate within our networks those items we find of interest.
No longer are Canadians simple consumers of information. More than ever, an important number of Canadians are also creators and even curators of cultural content. This development has fundamentally changed the manner in which Library and Archives Canada must execute its mandate. Forty or fifty years ago it was relatively easy to identify the sources of documentary production of historical value and then to acquire and preserve what was produced. It was sufficient to simply acquire the physical document, the object: newspapers, films, photos, books, maps, government records, and so forth.
The extended life cycle of analog materials, combined with the relatively modest level of production and the slow pace in which they were released, made it possible to think that we could somehow capture a large part of it and then distill it into an almost comprehensive collection to be made available to Canadians.
This is no longer the case. So 2017 has thus become a year of celebrations for Library and Archives Canada, but 2017 also represents a milestone in the modernization of the institution. The exponential growth in the number of information resource producers and the subsequent astronomical increase in the level of production make it impossible to acquire all the documentary production. Like never before, the majority of Canadians are now actively participating in the process of telling their stories and documenting their lives.
Library and Archives Canada must adapt and consider the new sources of documentary production and their widespread democratic distribution.
Our mandate offers us all the necessary flexibility to meet this adjustment that will permit us to become an institution of the 21st century of which Canada could be proud. Identify, acquire, preserve, and make accessible the best possible representation of Canada's documentary production in all formats, from all sources.
As well, thanks to the digital age technology, we can gradually transcend our historic geographic challenges by making this heritage accessible to all Canadians. In fact, in 2017 we will permit all Canadians here and in Canada and around the world to access a quantity, without precedent, of their rich documentary heritage, past and present, any time.
Nowadays, the privileged place of consultation for Canadians to access their documentary heritage is less and less a physical place like a library or an archive. If there remains a place of consultation, these are found among other connected places and become more and more places of animation and interpretation. For more and more Canadians, it is on the web that they expect to find their documentary heritage. Moreover, the current documentary production of Canadians is increasingly, if not exclusively, created in digital format and stored in digital repositories somewhere and then downloaded from the information cloud.
Information produced by the government doesn't escape this widespread societal tendency. Presently, government records are produced in digital format. Library and Archives Canada intends, by 2017, to gather government records through the use of a digital portal and to preserve them with the help of a trusted digital repository that meets international standards. In doing so, we will be playing our national role by making the transition to digital just in time to celebrate Confederation's 150th anniversary.
Mr. Chairman, I would now like to underscore a number of more targeted initiatives that Library and Archives Canada is leading at present, which reflect at the same time not only our society's transition from an analog to a digital environment, but our readiness for and contribution to the 150th anniversary of the country.
First, modernization at LAC is going well and placing us in a better and better position to deal with the changes brought about by the digital environment. We have reviewed how we identify, acquire, preserve, describe, and create access to our documentary heritage. All of these processes are now part of a framework for determining how well they reflect our society itself, what we call the whole-of-society approach. This new approach underlines the way we will be conducting all our main lines of business at LAC.
I will give you a quick example. Given the environment in which Canadian society is evolving, we have widened our societal watch to better identify the documents we should acquire in order to reflect not only the documentary heritage that has been created, but also to understand the context of how that heritage is created.
This is a transparent approach, one in which we are working collaboratively with a number of different players in Canadian society, taking into account the vast range of experience and expertise they offer. We hope Canadians will be able to celebrate not only their 150th anniversary but also their 200th and their 300th, with ready access to the documentary heritage created today and in 20, 50, or 100 years.
Next, and equally important, we are gradually making our holdings accessible to a greater number of Canadians. Our efforts in this area are targeted towards 2017 and beyond, but with a view to celebrating 2017, we will of course be making the extra effort to validate our heritage. The Lest We Forget project was a beacon for us in terms of programming that was not restricted by geographic location and that made excellent use of the entire network of public libraries across Canada. This great success demonstrated the importance of our military heritage using digital technology, with both documents and a step-by-step teacher’s guide to related workshops easily available online. Through this program students are able to access more than 5,000 military records from individual soldiers, doctors, and nurses who served in the First World War or of those who were killed in the field of battle during World War II.
In addition, the number of libraries that participated in the project doubled. The Lest We Forget workshops are now offered from one end of the country to the other. Over the last six months, more than 25,000 records have been downloaded from our website. I think these kinds of results augur well for the future. For 2012, we are working on similar projects based on the themes of immigration, first nations, and transportation. Each year we intend to create and organize programming based on new themes. By 2017, Canadians will have enhanced access to a large part of the documentary heritage that has shaped their history.
Other projects under way include the digitization of tens of thousands of portraits and photographs, which will be accessible online using new descriptive approaches that will make them easier to find. As well, Library and Archives Canada recently completed the digitization of the first maps of the Yukon, rendered in the late nineteenth century by the renowned surveyor William Ogilvie. Previously, these maps were not available at any library in the Yukon. A couple of weeks ago, I received a message of encouragement from a librarian in Whitehorse who congratulated us on the initiative and invited us to keep moving in that direction.
I would also like to stress that we are moving further away from the concept of a traditional institution, one that would serve as a stand-alone monolithic entity solely responsible for providing Canadians with access to documentary heritage. To that end, we are actively participating in the emergence of the Pan-Canadian Documentary Heritage Network. Along with our provincial and territorial counterparts, and partners in the academic and civil sectors, we are working hard on joining our forces. Our goal is to share our knowledge in order to make as much of our documentary heritage available as possible—with the best possible access. These partnerships have already begun to bear fruit. Beyond those I have already mentioned with the Canadian public library board in the interest of making our documentary heritage known, we are also working to improve our practices. For example, we recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec. That agreement enables us to share bibliographic records of Quebec authors published in Quebec and of Canadian authors published elsewhere in the country, thereby avoiding unnecessary duplication.
Finally, we are working with our colleagues at Parks Canada, the National Capital Commission, various museums and other federal partners to promote our documentary heritage. Our contribution to the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 is but one example.
Mr. Chair, the act of commemoration, as you know, is extremely important for Library and Archives Canada because it gives Canadians the opportunity to increase their knowledge of Canada's history and its institutions. It is also an opportunity to foster a greater sense of belonging and to encourage Canadians to get involved.
I now want to talk about how Library and Archives Canada should contribute to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Confederation. I think the best way to do so is by making Canada's documentary heritage as accessible as possible, while taking into account the context of the times. Fifty years after receiving the gift of a national library in the nation's capital, Canadians will receive an equally wonderful gift in 2017—a digital framework that will help build a modern institution for their documentary heritage. I hope that this gift will be appreciated, not only by citizens from coast to coast to coast, but also by future generations of Canadians who will gain a better understanding of how we adapted to the arrival of the digital information age.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. That concludes my presentation. I would be happy to answer any of your questions.