I would have to go into more detail about the criteria. I don't have all the details with me, but we have a model that applies. So it has to be Canadian; it has to be of national significance. That, for us, is very important. So we are focusing on what is of national significance.
The priorities are where it needs to be part of the collection. There are specialists looking at it and saying, well, there is a void, there is a hole here, so we need to fill it.
The difference with the past is that we used to be reactive, and when your question, Madame, was around.... We were in fact waiting for people to come to us and say, well, I've got this stuff, so you should buy it. Now what we're saying is that we need to reverse this and say, okay, we're going to look at the collection and make sure it's representative as much as possible of all the documentary productions in Canada over time. So what you're going to see soon coming out from our institution is what we call a statement of documentary intent. We will announce that we are interested in this type of material. We're more proactive in trying to build the collection.