Whale watching is very important to the area, but I want to stress that it is done with great respect. There is a code of ethics in place for all the whale watchers on the Bay of Fundy. There is a great deal of whale research being done. In fact, companies in the region and whale people were instrumental in having the shipping lanes going into the Bay of Fundy changed to protect the whales, because they found that many of the whales that were dying were doing so as a result of damage by boats.
That has led to an increase in the rare right whale. The right whale is the rare one; it was almost extinct, because it was the most highly sought-after whale. The reason was that it floated to the surface very quickly; that's why it was called the right whale. When people were out whale hunting, they were going for the right whale.
Another whale that we have in the Bay of Fundy is the humpback whale. It is one of the largest whales. It's called the clown of the sea. These are whales that love to play. If you're out whale watching in mating season with the humpbacks, it is spectacular to see them break.
Don't ask me to name the other species. There's minke; there's finback, but....