Yes, no problem. The Ontario Music Fund has set aside a portion of the fund, which is designed to encourage foreign direct investment by my members, Universal, Sony, and Warner, in Ontario. It's designed to mirror the tax credit system that is in place for film. In Ontario and federally, you have a bucket for the domestic film and television production business and you have a bucket for the international because we are very anxious to encourage Steven Spielberg to come and make movies here. This has been fantastically successful and has made Canada into one of the great film and television production places in the world.
That same model does not exist in music. There are tax incentives and government grants that are available for the domestic industry, but there's nothing that is specifically designed to encourage my members to invest in Ontario or Canada. So the Ontario government, in its infinite wisdom, decided to take a portion of the fund, which is $15 million a year over three years, earmark it for my members, who have—by the way, they elected not to cast it in terms of a tax credit, because the tax credit system is under review in Ontario because of the Drummond report. This doesn't say it couldn't be converted to it, but actually they kind of like a grant system because it has certainty up front. My members have to submit a business plan, the business plan is approved or rejected in bits and pieces, and then a number is set, and then we have to spend money to show that the success is already there. I think it's in excess of $3.5 million that is going to be spent by my members in this six months that would not otherwise have been spent in Ontario. We'd like to see that number obviously increase in a federal component.