No. We guarantee the financing, so the financing is waiting.
Just to give you a little bit of context on it, sir, as quickly as I can, and please stop me if any of this becomes jargonesque as we say, or say j'accuse, or whatever you want.
Basically I am a serial entrepreneur, so this is my second company. CineCoup is from a film accelerator background, so it really does build on a technology accelerator. Look at me like a VC, a venture capitalist, and everybody that comes into my funnel, say the 90 projects.... The first time we worked with the CBC we had almost 280 in our cohort that time, some as far away as Nunavut.
What we are doing is that we are creating meaningful milestones and a destination for people to put in a lot of sweat equity and build up their audience equity. Then at the end of it, we have a guaranteed theatrical.
If you want to talk about how I finance the picture, I'm happy to be transparent with that too. It's a combination of private equity, soft money from tax credits, and we also build revenue. Because I am aggregating 18- to 34-year-olds around culture, we have brands that come in like Canon and William F. White that want to connect with this next generation of filmmakers. So one of our big differentiators over a traditional studio is that where development used to be a sunk cost, we have actually learned how to monetize it. We are actually creating revenue from pre-script right up to the end of the funnel.
I hope that answers your question.