I'll try to address several parts of that question.
There are several reasons for proposing what is actually skinny basic and pick-and-pay together. Rogers mentioned before in the previous meeting that the way consumers are accessing content is changing and that's partly why PIAC and other consumer groups had advocated for these different options.
In a world where consumers want access to content, they want choice and they want flexibility to choose their content, and many were getting much more frustrated with their large bundles, which they felt they were paying too much for. This really was a way—not to force people to change, if you like your bundles you can stay with your bundles—if you wanted to downsize, you could go for a skinny basic and then be able to pick-and-pay on top of that if that suited your family's needs.
The pick-and-pay won't be fully integrated until December, so really we'll have to wait for a few more months to see what the impact of these new options will be.
In relation to your question on local stations, actually the skinny basic packages should include all the local stations and some regional stations as well, so that option itself shouldn't affect whether Canadians are receiving their local over-the-air stations.