Also, Madam Chair, it's in the messaging.
Here, I'd like to take a moment to tell you about a project that our orchestral department did called Life Reflected. We engaged three composers from across Canada who were female, with one male—I won't go through the names now, but they are very well known in that world—to create a large production. The story was about four famous Canadian women, Roberta Bondar, Rita Joe, Alice Munro, and Amanda Todd, the young woman who took her life. We created wonderful orchestral pieces around this and made an evening of it. We toured that across Canada to great acclaim. It was the creation of our senior management team in the orchestral arena.
We are trying to do all of that in our theatre departments and everywhere else, so I think that message is going out across Canada, Mr. Shields. Even though the building is here, we do take that messaging out and I think this was a very strong message on the position of women in the arts.