I think you're quite correct. I think the law sits in this complex marketplace now. I think the law has a fundamental role to play in setting the rules of the road. We've seen over time that changes to the law and the evolution of the law have been a force in that marketplace, but what we've tried to articulate today is it's one piece in a much bigger context. I think it does offer up the opportunity to look across the various tools and levers that are available to governments and others to say that we can't fix everything with the law so are there other things.
That's where things like nudge and behavioural economics but also new tools and new opportunities, new mechanisms for people to be able to collaborate and work together can be put into that broader context and picture.
This is a study of the Copyright Act, but I think what we're doing is embedding it in the complex marketplace that copyright currently lives in which includes a whole host of actors, many beyond government.