Madam Chair, I actually do have comments on clause 2. The Canadian Museum of History has also sent some comments about that clause.
Madam Chair, I asked you whether the recommendations from the Canadian Museum of History had been considered before these amendments were drafted. Were the texts submitted in advance so that parliamentarians from various parties could familiarize themselves with them and include them in the proposed amendments? I had no reply from you. There was a comment from Mr. Nantel, however.
I feel that we all have a common objective: to make sure that the bill achieves its goal, meaning that it is the best it can be.
I repeat that the museum submitting recommendations to us is a steward of our heritage, and you are giving me no assurance at all that its recommendations have been considered in the proposed amendments. As a result, I can only conclude that we are going to ask the House of Commons, at third reading, to study a botched bill that has ignored some particularly appropriate comments.
Madam Chair, I must inform you that it is my intention to consider the recommendations and the amendments proposed by the Canadian Museum of History, because that is our objective for today. We want a bill that is the best it can be and that accommodates the comments that witnesses before the committee have provided, those that we have not gratuitously dismissed even before we have been able to ask them a single question. Forgive me for using that expression, but that is what happened just now. We are told that the topic of copyright is important, but the government has showed us today that its bulldozer is never far away.
I come back to the issue that concerns us today, the bill on the repatriation of Aboriginal cultural property. We feel that this must be done properly, and that the committee would be failing in its duty if, before it passes amendments, it does not consider the recommendations from the Canadian Museum of History. They are one of the major players in protecting Aboriginal heritage, for goodness’ sake. It will be one of the major players when we come to develop a strategy. The Canadian Museum of History will be involved in that strategy, of course, given that it holds substantial Aboriginal collections.
Madam Chair, let me ask you again. This is basically to do with time. When was this text submitted to parliamentarians? Did it give parliamentarians enough time to consider the recommendations of the Canadian Museum of History before submitting amendments to be studied in the clause-by-clause consideration of the bill?
If not, I can only conclude that we have an important document, but that the committee members have not had the opportunity to express their views on it. If we take an approach that does not consider these factors, which seem appropriate and important to me, we may well be missing the boat.