Next time.
I really appreciate your comment, Mr. Knight, that the strength of Canada is because of our diversity and not despite of it. That is so important, because what we, as Canadians.... Our opinions, our way of life, and our values are what should continue to influence Canadians, and the young Canadians. If we don't have that, we are in danger of not being able to share that strength and those opinions. We have come so far as a country, and we need to continue that, because that is the strength we have. I just wanted to comment on that.
As for the radio station, I am always so impressed with community in rural areas and how it survives. I was surprised, because when you were speaking about student jobs in the summer, I looked back and asked a few of my colleagues, and I didn't see any application from a community radio station for student jobs on the list of jobs coming out this year in my riding that I have seen. Maybe I just didn't tap in or they don't have the information, because I know the needs are there. Not only are the needs there, but it is a great opportunity for a young person to be able to benefit from that experience.
There are two things I would like to ask about quickly, and then I will share my time with Mr. O'Regan. The first one is advertising on the radio. Is that increasing or decreasing?