Thank you for your question, Mr. Nantel.
Like Quebec, Israel is a very rich society in terms of culture. That may be due to the fact that those two societies are surrounded by different cultural and linguistic groups. There is also a will to affirm their difference.
You are asking me what organizations should be selected. When it comes to Canada's indigenous peoples, it is very difficult to see a single solution. The situation in Nunavut is very different from that in a small community or a small reserve in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Quebec or Ontario.
One of the bill's benefits is the flexibility provided not only to the government, but also to the indigenous languages commissioner to adapt their actions to communities' needs. The federal government has a role to play in terms of providing support and receiving requests from communities. I think that is why the Assembly of First Nations is so in favour of the bill.
It is up to first nations and indigenous peoples to define their objectives. The federal government and, I hope, other levels of government—one of your colleagues mentioned this earlier—will support those objectives.