I can read it, but you may also look at page 13 of the document.
That bill C-91 be amended by adding after line 25, on page 5, the following new clauses:
Additional Specific Rights Related to Inuktut
6.1 (1) The following definitions apply in this section and in sections 6.2 to 6.5.
Inuit regions means Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, the Nunavut Settlement Area as defined in section 2 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region referred to in the definition Agreement in section 2 of the Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) Claims Settlement Act. (régions inuites)
lnuktut means the Indigenous language spoken by Inuit in Canada and includes Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut, Inuttut and Inuvialuktun, as well as related dialects and subdialects. (Inuktut)
(2) This section and sections 6.2 to 6.5 are to be interpreted in accordance with the following principles:
(a) Inuit Nunangat, being the Inuit homeland in Canada, is a distinct cultural, political, and geographical area composed of the Inuit regions;
(b) Inuktut is an original language of Canada, the original language of Inuit Nunangat and the first language spoken by the majority of Inuit Nunganat residents;
(c) effective public administration in Inuit Nunangat is best achieved through the delivery of programs and services in the first Ianguage of the recipients of those programs and services; and
(d) speakers of Inuktut are entitled to programs and services in Inuktut the quality and accessibility of which are comparable to programs and services offered to Canadians living in parts or regions of Canada where English or French predominates.
6.2 (1) The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that—in close collaboration with Inuit governing bodies and in a manner consistent with the powers and jurisdictions of the provinces—the necessary measures are taken to sustain and support the status of lnuktut as an original language of Canada, including by ensuring that federal programs and services are delivered in Inuktut in Inuit Nunangat, to the extent that demand requires and capacity allows, and, outside Inuit Nunangat, where the numbers of speakers of Inuktut warrant its use.
Shall I continue?