I agree with him on the last point. They have a great hockey team, and following our conversation at the last meeting, I even have the tickets already arranged for him for the game in September.
I believe we had agreed, because Brandon is in the middle of Saskatoon and Winnipeg. I think, logistically, it's a great place to be, because there is diversity in the opportunities for people to come to Brandon as well. I agree with that part of it. You certainly don't want to exclude anyone. Knowing some of those folks and some of the papers Mr. Vandal has indicated and some of the media outlets there as well, there are opportunities in Brandon. It's also a situation where we're looking at no Saskatoon. I will let Mr. Waugh speak to that himself. We're going to Edmonton, so there's an opportunity for Lloydminster, to go there, and anything on the northwest side of Saskatchewan. There is an opportunity here for many of the smaller communities, including Regina, to come to Brandon. Weyburn, Estevan, Yorkton have quite a news outlet there as well, for both radio and papers. Dauphin is the same, and we're trying to look at how we get media into rural and remote areas.
God bless Winnipeg, and I agree with it—I spent a lot of years there in the legislature—but it's not a remote area and it's certainly not rural from that perspective.
I agree that there is an opportunity to have those people come to Brandon. I also think there are many community newspapers, weekly and daily. With The Brandon Sun, there's a great story to be told by the Westman Communications Group in Brandon as well. Their co-operative has been a success in their whole process. In fact, I talked to their chair, David Baxter, when he was here just the other evening with the Canadian cable services group. He's the chair of Canada for them. He would make a presentation. He would be willing to do that as well. I've already spoken to some of them, and I said, of course, it was subject to.... There are some pretty good stories and pretty good opportunities there with local papers as well. That's part of the reason I suggested Brandon in the first place, and I appreciated Mr. Vandal's support for that the other day.
I appreciate just having the opportunity to discuss this openly. There is still a good opportunity to have Brandon as a major centre for the type of study we are doing.