You have said many times that you really want your members to apply best practices. I agree with you. That said, the use of waves belonging to Canadians is a business opportunity that comes with responsibilities. Businesses and Canadians will have to decide what should be done about the system. I don't want to blame you, but it's clear that the Internet has been a game changer, so that everyone is now wondering what to do.
So I expect there to be a full conversation that will involve all the players.
I will now turn to Mr. Cox.
You talked earlier about advertising money being lost.
I'll speak English for you.
You talked about the advertising market leading the way for social media and stuff. When I was a kid, I remember in the paper there was something called publireportage, kind of semi-news but advertising something. Isn't that exactly what Facebook is into when they are promoting stuff? Even myself, I can promote something good I did on Facebook. Isn't it fake advertising or fake real stuff? The consumer thinks, “I'm being fooled here. I thought this guy was my friend. He's actually selling me a Chevette.”