Thank you.
Mr. Champoux's motion calls for Catherine Tait, the CEO of CBC and Radio-Canada, to testify on the job cuts.
We know that Ms. Tait, the head of CBC and Radio-Canada, has made the decision to cut 600 jobs, but we also know that when she was pressed during a media interview as to whether or not the executives would receive a bonus, she was not able to determine a definite no. In fact, she seemed very much to be leaving that window open, which would imply, then, that she is okay with cutting 600 media jobs while still giving big bonuses to the top executives of the company.
We know that Ms. Tait herself received a $60,000 bonus this last summer. That $60,000 is more than the average salary of a Canadian in this country. For Ms. Tait to determine that she's going to slash 600 jobs while still being okay with giving potentially millions of dollars, or tens of millions of dollars in bonuses, is absolutely ludicrous.
Not only does Ms. Tait need to come to this committee, but I would also offer an amendment to Mr. Champoux's motion. The amendment would read as follows toward the end. Following “period of two hours”, it would state, “and the committee report to the House that it calls on the government to instruct the CBC to immediately ban all executive bonuses”.