I could try to answer in French.
It's very important to have several sources of funding for the media [Technical difficulty], from the government, the platforms, advertising, and to have a number of funding options.
then the influence of one actor or one entity over news does not become so important and dependence is not so important. That is why it's important to look at government subsidies, taxation, and benefits, etc., as well as appropriate compensation by tech platforms and a robust digital advertising infrastructure.
However, let's remember that local advertising is also affected by big tech. We have Amazon putting local businesses out of business or constraining them to their logic. These are all intertwined. The role of big tech is seen throughout the entire advertising ecosystem, which affects directly the digital advertising that news organizations can obtain but also the simple ability of local businesses that used to advertise in news to remain sustainable.
I do worry about capture, but when you have this type of regulatory scenario where you have an independent regulator, you have distance between the fund that is created and the ultimate beneficiaries. That is beneficial. You need to have multiple types of entities that are represented on that board.
I would just go back to say that in addition to the Swiss study, American researchers recently took the study and looked at what would happen in the American market based on revenues and usage there. They found that it should amount to $12 billion that the platform.... Well, for Google it would be about $10 billion owed to news organizations. I think we need to reconceptualize how we're thinking about value.