I believe that's regular practice.
Thank you very much. I appreciate getting the floor.
I wish to move a motion, I don't think it will take too long. I have a second motion after this, which I think will be quick too. Hopefully I'll have the consent of the committee for this one first.
I move:
Given that:
A rise in antisemitism and antisemitic violence at Canadian university and post-secondary campuses is being witnessed and documented across the country;
Six Canadian universities are currently subject to class-action lawsuits alleging “decades-long documented history of antisemitic rhetoric at multiple Canadian universities”; and
The 2024 AGPI Universities Antisemitism Report Card highlights the “serious problems our universities have with antisemitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Jewish hate”;
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee:
Immediately undertake a comprehensive study, of no less than 10 hours, and invite Presidents of Canadian Universities to discuss what actions they are taking to counter this escalation of antisemitism and antisemitic violence on their campuses, and report its findings to the House.
Madam Chair, this is the motion I'm moving today. I brought copies of it should you wish for me to distribute them to the committee.