One of the first things that the Harper government did when it got into office was boost the performance pay for executives, including those at the CBC. Reports at the time said that “The main reason cited for the latest raises at the top in Ottawa is to prevent senior government executives from jumping to even more lucrative positions in the private sector”, that “Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his cabinet quietly approved the pay hikes behind the scenes - in the summer doldrums - obviously hoping to keep political flak to a minimum”, and that “In the case of CEOs of crown corporations such as the CBC and Canada Post, the value of the raises (and bonuses) rivals the total amount that a minimum wage earner would earn in an entire year.”
Let me quote another investigative report from August 2015: “Spending on bonuses and performance pay for the public service executives who implement the government's orders has jumped by more than 65 per cent since Stephen Harper came to power.” It also says, “The average executive performance pay envelope has also risen under the Conservative government.”
The government Poilievre was part of famously gave historic levels of performance pay to CEO-level public servants, including the CBC CEO right before leaving. Is that correct?