I call this meeting to order.
Good afternoon, everyone.
This is meeting number 143 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.
Before we begin, I will give you some housekeeping notes.
For those of us in the room, there is a little round decal on the desk in front of you. That's where you put your device. If you don't, it interferes with the transmission of sound. There's a little square instruction thing that you need to read as well, to know what to do.
No one is allowed to take photographs of the committee, as it's on the screen here. Later on, you can get them online.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, and that is creating a bit of a problem for us, as two of our witnesses who are meant to testify this morning are still having trouble getting online. I will tell you who those two are.
We're going to start, and then, hopefully, the sound people will have helped them to get online.
They are the witnesses representing the Fédération nationale des communications et de la culture and the Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Radio-Canada.
They are having trouble getting online.
We will start, and then I will suspend when it's time for us to get them on. They can come on, and then we'll have to get them to present their five minutes so that we can carry on. If we wait and wait, we'll never start the meeting on time. Let's move on.
I want to remind everyone that when you speak, you must speak through the chair. Questions are addressed through the chair, and answers are addressed through the chair.
Again, all of the connection tests, with the exception of those two, have been done.
We will begin with the first witnesses, who are from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. We have Kris Sims and Ryan Thorpe. Both of you can share the time, but you have five minutes to present. I'll give you a 30-second shout-out, literally, so that you can wrap up. If you don't get to finish what you have to say, you can get your points in during the question and answer period.
Who is going to speak for you? Ms. Sims, please begin. You have five minutes. Thank you.