Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I'd like to thank our witnesses for their contribution to the discussions that we've had today.
Madam Chair, in the last block I mentioned something that was revealed through an access to information request, that the Liberal Government spent over $970,000 for StatsCan to produce a podcast that garnered a total of 229 subscribers. That was an unbelievable waste of tax dollars, with a return on investment that is dismal at best but truly a colossal waste of taxpayers' hard-earned dollars.
Madam Chair, I would like to move the following motion that I put on notice on Friday. I hope that it can be passed expeditiously as a clear statement from this committee that this sort of spending is not acceptable.
Given that, at a time when Canadians are facing the worst cost-of-living crisis in a generation, recently obtained documents have revealed that the Liberal government has spent over $970,000 for Statistics Canada to produce a podcast show with only 229 subscribers, the committee call the chief statistician and senior officials from Statistics Canada and report to the House that it condemns this outrageous abuse of taxpayers' dollars.
Madam Chair, I move that motion here today, and I hope that this common-sense motion can find support from this committee.
Thank you.