We have lots of opinions. It will surprise no one that we definitely disagree with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. We certainly agree that the bonuses are unacceptable, and the committee has said the same thing. I think most Canadians are also opposed to the idea of handing out bonuses. That being said, it's time to move on to other things and to work together to improve CBC/Radio-Canada.
I have some statistics for you. I would remind you that 78% of Canadians want to keep CBC/Radio-Canada. They want an improved version of their broadcaster. I would add that 67% of self-identifying Conservative voters want to keep CBC/Radio-Canada. I can't speak for Ms. Charette, but francophone communities in this country want to keep Radio-Canada for its news programs, entertainment programs and all other information programming.
We are also told that the government funds CBC/Radio-Canada and pays its journalists. However, under its mandate, which is set forth in the Broadcasting Act, the corporation's editorial independence is guaranteed. CBC/Radio-Canada doesn't receive directions from the government or Parliament, apart from what its mandate provides. Its licensing conditions are set by the Canadian Radio-television and Television Commission, the CRTC, and salaries are paid by CBC/Radio-Canada. The separation between the public broadcaster and our elected representatives needs to be acknowledged.