If I may answer your question with a couple of points, the first point is that Sport Canada provides some financial support for secure sports to help those third parties to level that playing field. Part of the budget 2018 and 2019 gave some additional money to support safe sport, to be able to fund some of these organizations, and also to fund training, and so on and so forth.
The first requirement in 2018 was to establish this third party, and some money was allowed to help establish that. The second step I need to mention—which is maybe in answer to Mr. Julian's question in part—is that since budget 2022, $18 million has been given to an independent sport third party so that it's no longer the organization that will conduct those investigations. To address partly your question, it's going to be another independent third party. That's the question, though, and the increased measures that are taking place as of now.
I hope that addressed your question.