Yes, I want to take on one thing that Ms. Gardner said just a second ago, which is this notion that the small organizations aren't going to have the resources to hire a lobbyist to negotiate.
I just want to submit respectfully that the whole purpose of forming a coalition is that everyone goes in there together, represented by one lawyer, one expert. It's going to be funded as a collective. It's not going to turn on the funding capabilities of any one particular small publisher. There is no lobbying that needs to take place, or negotiation. You just join the collective, and then the collective is going to hire a lawyer and an economist. They're going to go into the room and negotiate and try to put forward the best valuation possible.
I want to dispel the notion that somehow this is being set up in such a way as to make life difficult for the small organizations. Actually, if it's done right, it should make life easy for them. All they have to do is join the coalition, and then, conditional on winning at the hearing, they're going to get their pro rata share based on traffic generation and based on employment. That's how we're doing it, at least in the United States.