Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I want to make a quick observation.
We've had witnesses come in to tell us that there have been almost 500 media corporations that have collapsed over the last decade because of the changing structure of the business in Canada. We've also been told, and I think the Conservatives probably agree, that there is no value to the media that's being distributed on the big tech giants.
I think it's astonishing to just assume that, if you open up Facebook or you click on a Twitter link or you're on Google, the Canadian content does not have value. If we agree that it has value, then we agree that we should assess that value, as Mr. Singer has suggested. It's a very fair process. You actually determine the value of that content on that platform, how much it is being monetized by, and you pay the publisher accordingly. It's a very simple concept.
Mr. Singer, do you have any final statements or reflections on that specific point? Is there anything you'd like to comment on as we close this session?