Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to come back to the subject of our seniors. Not all seniors live in a CHSLD or in a luxury private residence. Many are still living at home, but are having trouble making ends meet. The percentage spent on housing far exceeds the recommended maximum of 30% of the personal budget. The cost of groceries is increasing, along with the cost of medication, not to mention the costs that seniors incur by paying other people to carry out tasks that they can no longer do on their own for various reasons.
This shows that seniors also have expenses in times of crisis. The $110 monthly increase in the old age security pension starting at age 65 would help seniors. They're entitled to decent housing, whether they live in community, social or affordable housing. The signature of an agreement between the federal government and the Government of Quebec on housing would probably help many people in these times of crisis.
Does the government plan to make some concessions so that Quebec can also access the national housing strategy funding, if that funding is still available? Our seniors have the right to age with dignity without going broke.