I thank the minister for that response.
Mr. Chair, I'm going to switch gears as well. On May 17, we joined our voices to support the 2SLGBTQQIA rights during the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.
In a statement on that day, the Prime Minister said that this community continues to face stigma and discrimination for simply being themselves.
In 2015 a promise was made to Canadians to put an end to the policy prohibiting men who have intimate relations with other men from donating blood. While it is true that the temporary ban period has been reduced, this shorter ban period has not had a real impact on the ability to give blood with dignity, and the policy in place remains a discriminatory one.
Mr. Chair, can the minister clarify why this discriminatory legislation has not yet been repealed and when all men, regardless of who they love, will also be allowed to save lives by giving blood?