Thank you, Madam Chair.
I would tend to agree with Mr. Fortin. “Incumbent on members” would be the words I would use, as the motions in the House read for members, senators and departmental and parliamentary officials.
There shouldn't be an option as to whether they could appear virtually. It should not be an option, especially at this committee. I know the motion says “may”. I think quite honestly that we as a committee might be able to put a bit more emphasis on “should” or “must”.
The responsibilities of this committee are very serious. We all recognize that. Given my background, I want to see someone in person. I want to see how they answer. I want to see their body language. I want to see all that sort of stuff because I will know whether or not they are giving me a load of BS.
It makes a big difference to see them in person. I can't see all of that virtually. As much as is reasonable and possible, even for non-parliamentary staff and senators and members, I would encourage us to invite people to appear in person, Mr. Clerk.