Yes, sir. The issue was not access to tow trucks in the first few hours. While we didn't have a fleet of them, we had access to, I believe, between three and five heavy tow trucks that could have been staged and moved around the downtown core.
The issue was not whether or not there was a bylaw offence taking place. The issue was public safety risks associated with trying to remove large trucks in large numbers with large numbers of demonstrators, residents, business owners and other people in the downtown core.
There was a public safety risk associated with that type of intervention enforcement action that prevented us from starting to come in and tag and tow trucks. That said, the vehicles that were in those red zones were continually identified; owners were identified. It is my understanding, although I didn't see the charges laid after I left office, that charges were identified and laid against the operators and owners accordingly for bylaw offences and provincial act offences. There are a large number of Criminal Code offences that I believe are still either under investigation or before the courts.