Following the events in Windsor, I sent a letter to both the provincial and federal government and asked for a sit-down planning session to talk about what we would do moving forward in the event that something happened again.
There's no doubt that although people looked from the outside and said our response was really good in Windsor.... It was over in about a week. It was a good response for many. We probably could have shaved a day or two if we'd had a plan that was a little tighter, but if we spelled out who pays for what, it would make life a lot easier. You wouldn't have the mayor from the little city of Windsor grovelling over the $5.7 million that was spent to help deal with a national economic emergency. We'd like to have that conversation. Huron Church Road is not going away. The Ambassador Bridge is not going away.
As to the possibility of something like this happening in the future, I cannot predict whether it will happen. I have no practical way to stop it from happening right now. We need to have a coordinated response that deals with a very unique situation of a municipal road joining a provincial highway leading to a federally regulated bridge that happens to be under private ownership.
We have to figure how to deal with this in a sensible way that allows the proper response and the most effective and timely response and that figures out who pays for what. In situations like this, it's completely unfair for municipal taxpayers to fund the bill.