Mr. Chair, I want to reflect on this as somebody who, in the House, voted to support the Emergencies Act and is responsible for reporting back to my community about the rationale and the basis of the act. From my perspective, I made a decision based on information that was only made available to the public, not having the privilege of the inside information that the government had to come to this conclusion.
I look at the work plan that's been presented before us and I've heard the comments of Senator Harder. I can only perhaps find agreement with point number three. I would not claim to be a legal expert, but I feel that exploring the legality of the invocation would be to the benefit of the public.
I would state that this legislation as drafted and contemplated in its time was left ambiguous. I would suggest that there's probably case law—although I'm not a lawyer—that would suggest that when legislation is unnecessarily ambiguous, liberal interpretations ought to be had on the legislation to provide fairness for the people who are pursuing it.
In the comments of my friend Mr. Virani, I feel that he was generous in his over-prescription of how he interpreted what is before us, which on its face looks fairly ambiguous. From that perspective, on points one and two, I can't imagine a scenario where we could understand the actions being necessary or proportionate if we don't examine the actions leading up to it.
On the rationale, I would put to this committee that at its height, this country was experiencing a crisis of confidence in our democracy, government and public safety frameworks. There was a crisis of confidence in local policing, provincial policing and national policing. They were seen to be compromised in the events leading up to the invocation of this act in a very public way, livestreamed for the public to see.
Regardless of where people are on this, in terms of whether they supported it or they didn't, whether they were in support of the actions that took place or not, I believe that Canadians deserve to have a fulsome exploration of the topics at hand. I would caution this committee that the crisis is still a very clear and present danger. If we don't act with the kind of care and thoroughness—and by thoroughness, I mean not over-prescribing or unnecessarily narrowing the scope of our exploration of this topic—we will be revisiting this type of crisis in the very near future.
I can't state enough that in supporting this Emergencies Act, as a member of Parliament, I believed there was a national crisis. I don't think that crisis has gone away. I think that we're facing other crises around the world, but it doesn't take away from the fact that cynicism, lack of trust and erosion of faith in our democratic institutions are still very much topics at hand.
What I would put to this committee is that if we rush to defer our responsibility, recognizing that this legislation is not clear, then we risk a review process that is so overly legalistic that it lacks socio-political context for the average Canadian to fully understand and unpack what happened. What I mean is that there is heightened rhetoric and hysteria around what is and isn't democracy, freedom or the ability to lawfully assemble for the purpose of your democratic rights. With all of these topics, I think, as elected parliamentarians, it would be the only opportunity where we have a chance to contemplate these things in a way that isn't overly obscured by legal language in some kind of judicial review.
It's a unique opportunity. If we don't deal with it well, if it's perceived to be any kind of cover-up or to give credence to any kind of conspiracy, mark my words, we'll be back in this committee within a year and a half.
That's the care with which I hope this committee deals with the undertaking. I hope, and I would ask, that my colleagues around the table provide a liberal interpretation to legislation—