Thank you very much.
You're quite right that the premier and the solicitor general did not testify and successfully invoked parliamentary privilege, so that's obviously a problem going forward, but I was actually surprised at the level of provincial and municipal buy-in at the Rouleau commission.
It seems to me that the only way the federal government can control that is by giving the federal government and federal policing a lead role in those areas, whether it be the parliamentary precinct or border areas. I think that's really the only way the federal Parliament can respond to this interjurisdictional nature.
Professor West mentioned the Security Offences Act, which is not well known enough, but we actually do have precedent for federal pre-emption of provincial areas in the national security area. This might be an area for you to consider if you want to ensure there will be full accountability for future emergencies should they develop around these same areas of federal interest.