The first point I would like to address is the reference to the CSIS Act definition of a public order emergency, and the second, which I hope to get to—but if not, in questions—is the definition of “any other law of Canada” and those criteria in the definition of national emergency.
Setting the stage, the principle of statutory interpretation, or the modern principle we apply, was set by the Supreme Court in 1998 in a case called Rizzo & Rizzo Shoes Ltd. It has really become a mantra. The quote reads:
Today there is only one principle or approach, namely, the words of an Act are to be read in their entire context and in their grammatical and ordinary sense harmoniously with the scheme of the Act, the object of the Act, and the intention of Parliament.
There are a few assumptions that underlie statutory interpretation using this principle. One of the clearest is the presumption against tautology, meaning that every word in the act must be given meaning. Every feature is deliberately chosen to play a role and there is no unnecessary or meaningless language in statutes. The legislature does not make the same point twice.
A second presumption is that of consistent expression. It is presumed that the legislature uses words and patterns of expression in a consistent way. Once the legislature adopts a particular way of expressing something, it avoids variations and prefers to express the same meaning in the same way.
Of course, undergirding all of this is the concept of the rule of law, which means, in part, that the law as written has to mean something tangible, articulable and discernible to those who read it and are subject to it, and those tasked with interpreting it, so that those who exercise power given to them through the law cannot do so by whim, abuse or prejudice.
This brings me to the definition of a public order emergency. The plain text of section 16 states that a public order emergency “means an emergency that arises from threats to the security of Canada and that is so serious as to be a national emergency.” “Threats to the security of Canada” is then defined in the act for the sake of that portion of the Emergencies Act. Section 16 states that the phrase “has the meaning assigned by section 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act”, the CSIS Act.
Just looking at this provision, the statute tells us not only that the EA incorporates the words in section 2 of the CSIS Act, but that it also incorporates the meaning assigned to it under that act. As we know, and as I just said, every word used in a provision has meaning and its use is deliberate.
This understanding is consistent with the clear intention of Parliament. During the debates over the act, much of the concern around the Emergencies Act was the ability to invoke the act to quell public dissent under a public order emergency. Moreover, we know that during the FLQ crisis, the War Measures Act was deployed against politically motivated terrorism, so, not surprisingly, this section of the act got a lot of attention.
In response to those concerns, it was made clear that only protest and violence that meet the definition of a threat to the security of Canada as defined in the CSIS Act, and then only those threats that also meet the definition of a national emergency, could form the basis for a declaration. This is what the bill’s sponsor, Perrin Beatty, referred to as a “double test”. He also reminded members of the House who were concerned with how broad and vague the CSIS Act definition is that this definition had received exhaustive scrutiny by Parliament.
Thus, we know from both a plain reading of the text and the clear intention of Parliament that the meaning of “a threat to the security of Canada” comes from how it is understood and applied in the CSIS Act, and the breadth of the CSIS Act definition—which is, I would argue, quite broad—is then narrowed through the definition of a national emergency.
I would also put forth that there is nothing in the other elements or provisions of the Emergencies Act that is inconsistent with this understanding or calls into question this interpretation.
Additionally, the incorporation of section 2 of the CSIS Act is actually not unique to the Emergencies Act. The same move is made in the Security Offences Act, the Access to Information Act, and the Privacy Act. In each of those acts, who is doing the interpreting, in terms of what meets the threshold, is not necessarily CSIS. In the case of the Security Offences Act, for example, it is the Attorney General, when deciding when to seize jurisdiction from the provinces.
Finally, I want to reiterate that the requirement is that the national emergency arises from a section 2 threat. This is a causal requirement, meaning that what is a national emergency of an urgent, temporary and critical nature, and beyond the provinces, arises from threats of serious politically motivated violence—meaning that economic or reputational harm and all the other things that we certainly saw as a result of the crisis in Ottawa and across this country have to be the result of serious threats of violence as understood in the CSIS Act.
I know that I'm now over time. Hopefully, in questions, I can talk about what “any other law of Canada” means.
Thank you.