Thank you very much, Chair.
I thank member of Parliament Green for his comments, and I want to associate myself with his suggestion. I think we really need to expedite as best as we can the work of the committee while respecting that there is still translation under way.
I think the best way of doing that is to advance the work we have done, to see how far we can get in the writing of a report. I don't expect that can be completed in its final form by June, but we could have a pretty good draft, which could then be subject to a review early in the fall, with a view to getting this committee work completed.
I strongly suggest that we do that. Otherwise, doing it sequentially, we will see this go into year three. I don't think people are waiting with bated breath for our work, but they will be long asleep if we work in that sequence.
Please, colleagues, if we can, let's spend the next number of weeks going through and revisiting the work plan under way, meanwhile getting the translation as requested but bringing the report to a conclusion in early fall.